without you, my days are absolutely grey
updated on: Wednesday, January 14, 2009|1:46 PM

hahahahahah :)
I already wished you happy birthday on my blog.
so go seee it there fatzxzxzz.
thank you for every thing, and hope you live for like forever.
godblesss youuuu!

xoxo , yknow you love us

updated on: Friday, January 9, 2009|9:23 PM
Last Weekday of the First Week! :D

Hello duuuuudes! Hahaha, this is like the most reeeecent blog I've done since... P6! Damn long mannnnn. Anyway!
Today's a Friday, which means 3C had English Literature, Eeeeenglish, 1-HOUR-LONG RECESS, Maths, Chinese and Chemistry. Since we've gone through the first week, I hereby declare that Fridays have the worst subjects. What with all the languages, and Chemmm! Maths is fun with Ms Quek! She's so funnnnyyyyy :D
THEN. I had lunch with JE, Xiu Quan, Winsy and Ivy, and since we're Sec 3s now, duhhh we have extra lessons/remedials. So we stayed back for maths after lunch, and did and did and did and did sums. Boy, was she fast! The first lesson on Monday and I only knew half of what was going on! CHEEE.
Oh yeah, I didn't mention about the horrible horrible horrible muscle ache I had since Tuesday. I don't know why the heck, but it just won't subside. So I had to walk around with this terrible pain in both my legs. And training today just made it worse. Now my right inner thigh has this strain, especially when I lift up my leg. Left thigh ain't that bad, but still bad. I DON'T LIKE TRAINING. PERIOD. Oh we're changing coach (again) by the way. The new coach looks arrogant. And doesn't look like a coach.
Oh oh oh oh oh. And there's CCA fair tomorrowww. I DON'T WANT TO GO; I have to wear a frigging leotard!! JUST TO PERFORM ROUTINES. Imagine tryna squeeze into this tight outfit with about a million sequins STUCK onto it. I'd just faint. Hopefully I'll just fall sick when I wake up tomorrow (7 a.m., mind you), then I won't have to gooo! :DDDD

Hahaha, okay I don't know why I typed all those mundane stuff; JE and Marie's blogs are so much nicer to read! Mine's like, just a 'summary' of the day. But never mind. I had nothing better to do. Now I shall bid everyone Adieu, because there's this irritating asshole by the name of Valerie Sim who wants to use the computer. I shall blog another dayyyyy, if I have nothing better to do!


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xoxo , yknow you love us

updated on: |10:23 AM

Hey yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa .
its je je je je je je je je je je je je .
the hotter than hot one. hahahahah!
3charity is currently in the com lab :D
with our OMG SO AWESOME english teacher MRS DORRIS TAN.
HAHAHHHAAH ;D lemmi tell you why she's so awesome.
She had Elit with us before , and she told us to go to comlab3 for english& not to be late.
so we went and we waited and waited.
and after 20 minutes they went to look for her , and found her sitting in the staff room.
so shit-ing asked why she's not at comlab3 .
then she goes , HUH , OMG ITS MY LESSON?
hahahahhahah;D aint she just the cuttest.
LOL. and now , its 10:27 and we only have 3 minutes left till recess.
anyway, charity has decided we are going to make a youtube account.
and we're gonna make vids EVERYDAY, EVERYWAY ,
we just made one but its so mental. LOL.
anyway , HAPPY BIRTHADY TO NIKI AND ALSO WEITING our dear sports class snr.
WELOVEYOUGUYS. enjoy being old :)
and jojo's coming in a week ish , and mines in 21 days tillll ..........

30 jan peeps!

eh!:D i'm at home! hahahahaha i'm sick. on the first week of school. i get to miss my SS lesson with TSW today heehee. how're you guys? i like my class(so far). besides the weird people, they're quite nice(: if i rmb correctly, ytd elaine's ew voice was so damn loud, we could hear it in Hope. it was like, "CLASS STANDDDD!!!! HAHAHAHAHAS etc etc" gross not?! disrupt our lesson>:)
oh and when i was giving the L to je when she walked past, ms lee saw!! haha was supposed to be discussing about some charged thing in sodium chloride or sth and she saw me doing it but she was giving that okay-you-guys-are-weird-but-still-funny kind of look. like the WHAAAT?! kind of look hahahaa.
yeah so anyway it's like 11.40 now which means you guys are having your first period after the gross 1hr recess!!! :D 1hr is so no point la, you take 1/2hr to q, in the end only got 1/2 hr left. yea okay so have funnnnn!:P

xoxo , yknow you love us

updated on: Saturday, January 3, 2009|9:40 PM

2009 is here already! so wishing all a HAPPY NEW YEAR! [although i'm three days late]. This is my first post ever. omg. only just did i realise what the user and password was from marie. annd speaking of the evilness, she made me write this, and this can show everyone how evil she is:

M)chong says:HAVE YOU POSTED?!
NAMEI POWER. says:haha sorry
NAMEI POWER. says:just came baCK
M)chong says:ass
M)chong says:pos!
M)chong says:post!
NAMEI POWER. says:and i don't have the mail! how?
M)chong says:what?
M)chong says:just TYPE in the user and pass
NAMEI POWER. says:nooo for the ic
{end of digress}
{realises she's evil for mistaking me}
M)chong says:oh
{but still goes back being evil}
M)chong says:too bad
M)chong says:POST!
{Bu4 yao4 lian3}
M)chong says:thank you
M)chong says:and make it a long one
NAMEI POWER. says:stinker.

so this is quite a long post right? heh heh. after adding the whole
convo. well, at least for me. :P
[btw, is this blog still alive??]

yeah yeah. that was iynhuii trying to be BRIGHT! and COLORFUL! and so. mean. to. me. anyway. she fully deserved it! if not for me, she wouldn't even know about the IC letter! so who's her saviour? ME. MOI. WO. in every language. ;)

see she's mean cause she call people names! like "evilness" and "stinker". WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!>:] and iynhuii you didnt post! all you did was kope. you're supposed to post about how sad and soggy you are from lying around at home while we're all in school having FUN! and LAUGHTER! and FOOD!:D so get crackin.

anyway, my first day was not bad eh. ;) new class has very odd people=funny. i laughed till i cried. haha and they're all so smart (unlike je) so like so pro can?:D hahaha. and je misses me so bad omg. and so do all of you!:D i walk past everyone goes, "MC!" . i come into class evryone goes "MC!!!". yeah i know, life's hard w/o me, and je alone aint funny. i bring the WIT to wittiness. she just brings the NESS, i.e ewNESS. geddit?:D yup so overall not bad, hope you guys are doing fine? you look really bored haha. awww(:

wont be having chinese tgt i think! i got wu again. :/ haha and i wrote a joke on your board!!
Q. what did the fat girl do at mealtime?
A. she A T J E. (Ashley Thio Jia En. and also the fat girl ATE)

therefore je's name has ATE and EAT in it. she soooo lives up to her name;D

p.s jo, je owes everyone lots of things. you ain't alone!:p

xoxo , yknow you love us

updated on: Friday, January 2, 2009|8:49 PM

Heyy JOJO posting(=

Haha first dae of school kinda sucks mann...got maths...=.= hmm

Anyways THIO JIA EN!!! you wear my shoe until is like is expanded...humph!!!
BTW CHARITY on the 14 JAN is a BIG DAE!!! IMPORTANT!!!! VERY!!!!
THIOJIAEN!!! you still owe me something hor....hmm but I still havent think of any...hmmm...bleahs!!!

haha...hmm now I dunno wad to sae le...=.=

Anyway 2009 3C...lets start bonding with the new people(= haha wif niki and haoyi(=
Hmm yupp anyways dunno wad to write le...cya peeps(=
xoxo , yknow you love us


We're the awesome sportz class .
We're hot we're smart we're sexy
and ( every other good quality you can think of )
We're made up of :

Charmaine Alex Crystal Shana Wendy
Ivy Ruth Samantha Vera Elaine StephAnie
Jiaen Gillian Winsy XiuQuan Haoyi
Joey Gracia Joanna Nicolette Shiting Jean


SPEAK Your mind


飛輪海 - 默默


the awesome Je(both) flipping !

Singing Mad

first video everr !

Cny low hei-ing !


yeah 我是Superman
yeah 我是Superman
yeah 我是Superman
yeah 你是loser

快點閃一邊, 我們是中三爱

yeah 我是Superman
yeah 我是Superman
yeah 我是Superman
yeah 你是loser

3c so solid
wanna win forget it
our team is so hot
so sorry yours it not

gonna f-f-i-i-g-h-t
we're gonna s-s-c-c-o-r-e
we're gonna fight, score and win the race,
athens athens, all the way~

anenay (repeat)
bak kut teh (repeat)
go athens (repeat)

athens athens oleyoley ahah
athens athens oleyoley ahah

athens YEOW
athens YEOW

oooooooooooooooooh~ ATHENS!!!

p.s Athens was our during camp group name :)


It would be very well appreciated if you did not touch this section. We all like honest people now, don't we.
Layout: TM/DD